Good afternoon Alcott School Community,
We are fortunate at Alcott to provide our students with technology. This requires a level of responsibility to ensure our devices are protected and cared for and I appreciate your support as families. Please see the attached presentation on our SDUSD district initiative and how you play a critical role in this plan. (family presentation)
- Attention 4th and 5th grade families: Marston Middle School Principal, Mr. Gollias, will be providing an orientation for all interested families wishing to learn more about Marston Middle School. Please read this letter to learn why Marston is the best option for your child.
- Next week is Red Ribbon Spirit Week: let’s be sure to motivate our kids to participate. See attached for the Spirit Week Dress up Day Themes and be sure to focus this year's Drug Free message around “making good decisions”.
- All students will be coming home with an important form that I would like all families to be on the lookout for starting Monday. The form is titled Local Control Funding Formula Data Collection 2021-22. This one page form must be returned to the office (or your home teacher) by next Thursday: October 28. This data is critical in brining in additional funding to Alcott.
- Parent Volunteers will be starting next week. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer at Alcott, contact our front office and ask for Ms. Kerns. The required documents will be provided to any parent wishing to serve as a volunteer. We appreciate that “positive adult influence” on our campus. In previous updates, I have asked families to serve as volunteers and have been contacted by 6 families as of today. Thank you for supporting us with your time!
November 2nd at 6:00 p.m. I will be hosting a zoom parent meeting to discuss our first two months of school and hear from you directly regarding your thoughts on what's working well and where we need to focus. This will be an informative meeting where I will be outlining our parent compact and other important items. Mark your calendars today!
Have a great weekend.
Principal Lewis