New SSC 2023-24

Good afternoon Alcott School Community,
I am happy to announce that our search for Alcott’s new School Site Council has been completed.  Over the past month, our families were asked to express interest or nominate an individual for our new 2-year term.  This information was shared in my Friday Principal Updates and placed on our website starting on October 5, 2022.
This process was completed last week, and our 10-member Council was finalized Friday, October 13, 2023.
Our State and District guidelines require the following:
  • 50% Parent/community membership:  5 Parents/Community Members:  (selected by parents/peers)
    • We received 5 parent nominations:  no election necessary
  • 50% Staff membership:  5 Staff (principal is a standing member:  remaining 4 members must be selected by peers).  The 4 staff positions were open to all staff members for a 10-day period to ensure a fair opportunity.
I am proud to announce your 2023-2024 School Site Council (SSC)
  1. Corinne Mohammed        Community Member, Parent, Chair
  2. Jill Andersen                   DAC Rep.     (Parent)
  3. Aubrey Leisz                                         (Parent)
  4. Jaime Scott                                            (Parent)
  5. Patrick Bigley                                        (Guardian)
  6. Stephen Lewis                                       (Principal)
  7. Danielle Wisdon                                    (Teacher)
  8. Jodi Read                        Secretary       (Resources Teacher)
  9. Stacy Hemingway                                  (Teacher)
  10. Raul Neri                         Co-Chair         (Teacher)                                                                   

SSC Meetings schedule for the 2023-14 school year. 














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