4/15/22 Friday Update

Good afternoon Alcott School Community,
As we prepare for our upcoming Open House on May 19th from 5:00-6:30, I encourage our families to bring a neighbor or friend who is interested in joining our Alcott Family.  Enrollment is open and spots are available.  Spread the word about our amazing program, staff, and culture.  
Don’t forget to acknowledge your Alcott Staff for their astonishing commitment to our school community.  I am fortunate to be part of a team that has never given up during this difficult pandemic.  The love and joy for teaching and caring for your children deserves a “drop in the bucket” for our staff.  Be sure to send a note, email, or in-person thank you to someone on our staff who has given it their all!  Your words make a difference!  Fill a someone’s Bucket this week!
Afterschool Dance Classes with Heartlight for Grades K to 5th are scheduled at Alcott from Tuesday, April 26 to May 31. Informational flyers were sent via email to families this week. Hard copies of the flyer will also be sent home in students' backpacks.
Pizza w/ the Principal will feature leaders and scholars from Ms. Graham, Ms. Summers, Ms. Brakespear.
Are you or someone you know interested in working at Alcott?  Job opportunities at Alcott:  are you interested in joining our Amazing Team?  We have paid positions available and providing jobs for our families is a goal of mine.  Be part of this movement!
This week’s Feeling Word of the Week (FWOW) is THOUGHTFUL. Be sure to check out our Whiteboard that will display the FWOW and have a new message for our school community.  This whiteboard will be out near the crosswalk each morning and at dismissal.  Be sure to engage your children weekly with our FWOW.
Enjoy your weekend. 
Relax, Be Kind, Be a Bucket Filler!  UBUNTU
Principal Lewis
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